(636) 583-2814 | Worship every Sunday @ 9 a.m.
Zion UCC has a rich tradition of music ministry. The congregation has a deep appreciation for all those who share their talents with us in worship. Our Music Director and Worship Arts team are always excited to incorporate new music elements and offerings in the life of our church.
January 5: Kirk Special Music
January 8: 5:00 Alleluia Kids Rehearsal
January 8: 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
January 12 service: “Chancel Choir Down to the River to Pray”
January 15: 6:00 Joyful Noise Rehearsal
January 15: 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
January 19 Chancel Choir Rejoice the Lord Is King
January 22: 6:00 Joyful Noise Rehearsal
January 22: 7:30 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
January 26: Karen special music
January 29: 6:00 Meditative Community Drum Circle in chapel
January 29: Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:30
Choir rehearsals are Wednesday Nights at 7:30 pm. The Choir typically performs for Worship on the first and third Sunday’s of the month.
Our Joyful Noise Children’s choir is a no stress experience of choir. Rehearsal times are Wednesday Nights at 6 pm. Please contact our Music Director, Dr. Karen Stafford, for any questions.