Want to learn more about our church? Here are some frequently asked questions to get you started.

As you come through the front door under the awning or the back door on the west parking lot you can expect to see a warm, welcoming area we call the Lower Commons. As you go up the stairs or take the elevator to the Upper Commons, you can find information and conversation if you’re interested, and a seat in the sanctuary when you’re ready. There we hope you’ll experience fulfilling moments of contemplation and community – a re-connection with God, yourself, and your neighbor. As a visitor you will never be singled out or asked to introduce yourself.

We gather to worship on Sunday morning at 9 am. Worship lasts, on average, about an hour. There is a coffee hour in the Lower Commons after the worship service.

God doesn’t care what you wear to church, and neither do we! Dress as casually or formally as you feel comfortable. Most folks are somewhere in the middle.

Zion UCC is at the corner of Washington and Springfield Avenues. When you arrive, feel free to park in the front parking lot, Town Hall parking lot or the parking lots behind the church. Handicapped parking is available closest to the rear entrance in the west parking lot.

We welcome children of all ages in the sanctuary during our worship services. If you need a quiet space to sit with your child during the service, there is a room located just off the Narthex where you can see and hear the worship service. We also have an unsupervised nursery for guardians to take their young children. There is a speaker of the service in the nursery.

We offer Christian education for all ages from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. during the school year.

At Zion Church we celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of the month, as well as on Christmas Eve and Easter. We welcome anyone who has chosen to follow Jesus Christ to come to the table. Children are free to participate in the sacrament at the discretion of their parents. We offer grape juice in place of wine for those who choose it.

We do not pass a plate during the service. Instead, offering can be placed in the plate in the Upper Commons prior to entering the sanctuary, or by sending/dropping it off during office hours, or through our online giving platform.